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Risk and Security


Connected. Protected. Resilient.

In the age of digital everything, there are no limits to your business potential—and your security perimeter. It means cultivating resiliency without disrupting operations or stunting innovation. How? With talent that enable, transform and evolve your business. We’ll get there together. Our security specialists can help fuel digital transformation while safeguarding your data, people, product, brand and ability to deliver to customers.

In It With You

Security is nonnegotiable. Our talent specialise in solving security, privacy and compliance problems. By identifying risks and remediating vulnerabilities, they can help you:

  • Capitalise on your existing security tools and technology to reduce technical debt
  • Make security sustainable and nimble for rapid response
  • Inject security into your business processes, operations and CI/CD pipeline
  • Elevate your security posture in data, cloud and application security

APAC at a glance

By the Numbers






Active Technical Consultants

Our Capabilities

You need to minimise all levels of risk. After all, your reputation and revenue are on the line. With a security-first mindset, our specialists provide tactical security solutions to deliver real, sustainable results and keep you prepared to adapt for the future.

a fingerprint symbolizing the identiy of a person


Do the right people in your company have secure access to the right information at the right time? Our talent specialise in addressing and mitigating vulnerabilities by managing access to privileged information and intellectual property.

an image of servers


A united front. Joint forces across security, monitoring, cloud and infrastructure—our security specialists have got you covered. They can help you build a strong defence to prevent, detect, monitor and respond to threats. From Tier 1-3 security incident resolution to threat analysis and tool optimisation, rationalisation and implementation.

Blue soft hybrid pyramidal microwave and radio frequency absorbers close up

Privacy and Compliance

Keep your data secure by proactively identifying threats and implementing governance, policies and oversight. Leveraging compliance controls to uplift your security posture, our specialists integrate identity and zero trust capabilities into compliance and security standards across infrastructure, cloud and data sources. From risk assessments and privacy programmes to compliance management and third-party risk—our talent help reduce your risk and protect your brand.

Our Approach

How We Do It

icon with three people figures and arrows extending out

Scalable Solutions

Customised solutions and delivery models to meet your talent needs.

magnifying glass focused on a figure

Specialised Skill Areas

Hyperlocal connections to top-tier talent across skill sets, markets and industries.

Head with a star of talent experience inside it

Talent Experience

When it comes to talent experience, it's the little things that make a big impact.

Our Insights

Thinking Forward

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