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Moving Millions of Patient Records

TEKsystems constructs a roadmap to efficient AWS application migration for a managed healthcare provider.

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TEKsystems built a roadmap for AWS modernization according to best practices, assuring secure migration of patient records.

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Key integrations

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Owning Change in Healthcare

Our customer, a managed healthcare provider dedicated to delivering high-quality services, wanted to modernize their communication-as-a-service (CaaS) content storage solution. Building a strong foundation would enable future automation initiatives.

Retiring an On-Premises Storage Solution

Preparing Our Customer for the Next Step in Their Cloud Journey

Recordkeeping for a healthcare provider as large as our customer requires extensive storage and stringent data governance. Their existing on-premises solution, which they aimed to retire, housed millions of documents and substantial amounts of metadata and had limited functionality. Post-migration, our customer sought to explore automation tools to store, validate and seamlessly integrate the content into the appropriate systems.

Migrating their legacy on-premises storage into our customer’s larger AWS environment presented a high level of complexity, as this was one of their first applications migrated within this business silo. Moreover, this project served as a first test case for using a turn-key AWS migration solution. As an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner, TEKsystems was more than qualified to help build the roadmap.

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Building a Minimum Viable Product

Passing the AWS Cloud Fitness Test During Discovery

Our first step was a thorough assessment of the application architecture. This assessment helped us identify the services, connectivity, size and RPO/RTO objectives required for the migration. Post-assessment, we built a minimum viable product (MVP) for a cloud-based storage solution that addressed all of our customer’s needs while allowing them to explore features, reduce risk through testing, and validate assumptions before committing to the investment required to build the full solution.

The MVP leveraged essential AWS services like CloudWatch, Lambda and Elastic Search Cloud to enhance efficiency and data validation. To manage data quality concerns brought on by our customer’s growth through acquisition, we also put tools in place to reduce their aggregator error count.

Medical professiona reviewing chart on the mobile device
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increased opportunity for automation

arrow icon pointing down reduced aggregator error count

Working in Accordance With Partner Best Practices

Migration Made Easy, the AWS Premier Partner Way

A comprehensive understanding of AWS best practices was key to our success during this engagement. We earned the Migration and Modernization Competency through proven success. The existing relationship with our customer also played a role, as we possessed a working knowledge of their business infrastructure. The roadmap we provided and the MVP we built equipped our customer with the tools to complete the migration at their own pace, freeing them from the potential roadblocks of working through the assessment on their own.

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Core Competencies

AWS Partnership Migration and Modernization Service badge

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Real-World Results 

Completing this migration will help our customer scale and continue to deliver high-quality service to their patient network. The MVP we constructed was done so in accordance with AWS’s best practices, using cloud-native design patterns and services. A cloud-native content storage solution for their CaaS applications will streamline access to customer information and enable future automation efforts and enhancements.

A medical professional is discussing a chart with the patient

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