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Five Critical Stages of a Cloud Journey

Cloud journeys are disruptive. Stay on the right path with a proven roadmap to migration success.

Journey to the Cloud

Cloud-native architecture gives enterprises a major advantage when it comes to complexity, speed, scale and resilience. But the journey from monolith to microservices isn’t straightforward.

The road to cloud native is winding and can sometimes be difficult, but the result is worth it. You need to map out the journey—not just the destination.

Charting a New Path Forward

No matter your cloud journey starting point, creating a roadmap for where you want to go is critical to success. The plan must be nimble and flexible, so you can adjust and course-correct along the way.

Chart a new course to adjust for crosswinds and maintain a competitive advantage.

How To Map a Successful Cloud Journey

Cloud journeys are disruptive and can seem erratic. Sometimes you need to go back and add polish to a step you previously completed or address an area that was overlooked.

Building a plan on how to navigate unexpected detours will illuminate what is important so you can deliver value back to the business.

Five Stages to Set Your Cloud Journey Up for Success

Follow a roadmap to success as you navigate your enterprise’s disruptive cloud journey.

Adopting a cloud strategy is a journey. Navigating it relies on extensive experience and a deep understanding of what you’re trying to accomplish. You need a plan to act as a compass that helps you meet key milestones and consider crucial waypoints.

1. Construct business and technology foundations. The first step to a purposeful cloud journey? Envision the future of the business and then identify how technology can enable the delivery and flow of that value.

2. Create cloud foundations. First understand what and then how. An integral building block is defining, building and maturing a Cloud Centre of Excellence (CCoE) focused on the technology foundation. Creating a Centre for Excellence (C4E) focused on skills development and cloud adoption is critical for the long-term viability of any cloud journey.

3. Build, then migrate. Build the right secure cloud foundation, and then start small for big wins. Establishing a migration factory will drive speed, repeatability and quality across your migration.

4. Modernise (refactor). Identify and refactor some applications to take advantage of the cloud or bring new business capabilities.

5. Seek continuous improvement. Keep the cloud environment as efficient and cost-conscious as possible.

Cloud journeys are disruptive and almost never follow a straight and narrow path. Mapping out a plan so you always know exactly where you are on the pathway is crucial to a well-executed strategy. Your journey map will ensure you reach your destination, but it doesn’t end there. Build agility and durability across the enterprise to be ready for the next disruption coming around the bend.